
Category: Thesis [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Differentiation of Riparian Cover Types using Multispectral, Airborne Videography 
Year: 1994 
The Social and Environmental Aspects of Dispersed Recreation: The Planning and Management of Lost Valley Reservoir 
Year: 1994 
The Value of Video Imaging as a Tool for Land Managers and Designers in Simulating Wildlife Habitat 
Year: 1994 
Visitor Preferences and Scenic Byway Interpretive Design and Planning in Logan Canyon 
Year: 1995 
An Evaluation of the Current Curriculum within Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Department at Utah State University  
Year: 1996 
Art and the Garden: Using the Work of Maynard Dixon as a Source for Designing the Western Landscape 
Year: 1996 
Developing Optimal Levels of Appreciation for and Use of School Sites for Education 
Year: 1996 
Environmental Contamination by Trace Metals at the Inactive Pacific Mine Site, American Fork Canyon: Legal and Remediation Implications 
Year: 1996 
Guidelines for Roadside Revegetation to Create Wildlife Habitat in Northern Utah 
Year: 1996 
Limiting Wildlife Species/Human Conflict: Design Guidelines for Trail Systems in Great Basin Riparian Zones 
Year: 1996